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Wayne County District Attorney

District attorney in Goldsboro, NC
Reviews: 24 | Overal Rating: Bad
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Review Left On 02/27/2020
Stephanie Duncan

You should be in rescue and recovery mode not prosecuting a human who is trying to help save and protect lives of innocent animals.
She must have kept records of the treatments she administered in order for you to bring such specific charges against her.
Keeping records of treatments is one example of someone who knows what to do to carefully manage and document animal care.
Go look for looters and leave volunteers alone.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Michael Darmes

Matthew Delbridge, I find it hard to believe that someone as heartless and blind as you even has the capacity to love an animal.....or anything outside of yourself. I am sure that, like all narcissists, you are very aware of how you are being perceived. This begs the question: Do you have any idea what a colossal idiot you look like in this moment? A good Samaritan doing an amazing thing for OTHER PEOPLE (i don't expect you to be very familiar with this concept), and you use the occasion to exert the power you so badly crave? Well my friend pride comes before the fall....I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed your time as DA. I hope you have prepared your ego to accept living in shame. How will THAT look do you suppose? Lose your elected position because you wouldn't allow a woman to help stranded animals? Will this play out well in the media? It's not nationally, so i can only guess your constituents and local media think you are just as much of an idiot as the rest of the country does. If there is any part of you that has a heart, brain, conscience, or instinct of self preservation.....I suggest you drop these bogus charges. Her GoFundMe and the massive amount of public support will carry her through just fine. What will save your career sir? Anyone lining up to support you at this moment? They sure are behind her. Ciao.....
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Brent Pagragan

The prosecution of Tammie Hedges is obviously the work of some pea brained beaurocrat from animal control who saw that a volunteer could do their job better then they could after they high tailed it out of dodge with a storm approaching and left the animals to fend for themselves!
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Debra Clark

This D A is an idiot. How in the world did he pass the bar exam?
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Dale Doman

Ladies and Gentleman of the Wayne County, NC. District Attorney’s office.

Congratulations! You along with the Sheriff's Department have succeeded in doing what the media alone could never do. Tell me it ain’t so-Joe! There must be one heck of a good stories behind this with a long history of problems with this woman, Tammie Hedges and her Claws & Paws.( Woman who sheltered Hurricane animals is charged with practicing veterinary medicine without license-Fox news 09/23/18

I have spent all of my adult life & working years in Law Enforcement, with over twenty years in administration and doing citizen / police complaints. I know well enough that there is always a story behind the story. However, I can’t image what this woman should of done to piss off the sheriffs Department to the point where they would swear out an arrest warrant for her.

Do you or anyone in your office realize what this makes you look like in the national media? Really?

In the middle of all the problems and strife that you and your county are going through, the conditions your citizens are enduring; your office along with the sheriffs department have the time and energy to pursue this woman and her efforts to aid the countless pets and critters that have been lost or abandoned in this tragic event.

For your career’s sake I truly hope none of you are up for re-election any time soon.

Fortunately for me, I do not live in your jurisdiction, nor your state. However I am concerned for all of my brothers & sisters in Law Enforcement, and how it causes them to look in the eyes of the public.

Further, I am concerned that if I should be traveling through your state, and witnesses an injury to some one’s pet and I would stop in an effort to render aid to that animal I would be subject to arrest for practicing Veterinary care with out the proper certification and licensing.

Dale Doman
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Smith Sonian

Filing charges against a woman using her own means to help her community by giving animals a chance of survival in an emergency is an embarrassing corruption of our judicial system and a complete disregard to the spirit of the law. You all should be ashamed.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
mark m

This DA should be ashamed of himself for charging Tammie hedges for being a good Samaritan. It's Outrageous this is what's wrong with America discouraged to help each other. Good luck on reelection! Your going to need it.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Pamela Donley

Outrageous. To arrest a woman trying to save animals. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Anne Fry

I sure do hope the people recall that you decided to go after a Good Samaritan in a natural disaster. You mean to tell me this is the biggest "crime" issue you have. Enjoy your last term because I hope people vote you out of office. I do recognize that voter appointment is the way most districts are handled. I sure hope yours is.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Bill Harrison

The District Attorney that accepted these charges needs to be fired or even better placed on the roof of a flooding house with no one to help, maybe then he will understand what compassion is.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Christina Sullivan

Shameful! Just read the article regarding the Crazy Claws and Paws Pet Rescue. I don't understand the thought process behind fining someone who is actively helping in a natural disaster. Instead of going after this rescue organization, why aren't you working on changing the laws in your state and county? The farmers and pet owners who left their animals behind to die should be fined, put on a registry and never be allowed to own animals again. You are setting a dangerous precedent by going after a rescue organization-this does nothing but make people less inclined to help those in need. I hope this makes national news and everyone in your office is fired
Review Left On 02/27/2020
justine Delman

What has happened to common sense and decency? I view this as another case of government trying to milk money from the people. The DA needs to be ejected from the system and labelled for what they are. Today there is no place in America for the likes of such people.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Chris Wagner

The d.a. Should be ashamed of themselves for charging this poor woman for helping her community in a time of need.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Sherrie Wentworth

This district attorney cares nothing about the helpless, and I hope he does not get elected again!
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Bonnie Duke

I am outraged that Tammy Hedges would be arrested for rescuing and providing first aid to animals during an emergency situation. During disasters, we make exceptions to the rule. It is unlawful to break and enter a house, but if the district attorney were trapped inside his home during a flood and in danger of drowning, I’m sure he would welcome the Good Samaritan who would break into his home and rescue him and his family. If they were in a life-threatening accident in a remote place where licensed medical personnel were not available, I’m sure he would welcome the Good Samaritan who would rescue them, providing first aid, antibiotics and pain medications until skilled professionals could reach them. I want him to remember that what goes around comes around. A life, after all, is a life. I think there may be more than a few people who at this point, if they found themselves in a situation where they had to choose between saving his life or dog’s, would have no qualms choosing the dog. If anything, they should be simply assisting her in finding the owners.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Arthur Carter

In reference to the recent arrest of the good samaritan who rescued and cared for those animals, I think she absolutely did the right thing. There is almost nothing better than caring for those who cant care for themselves. Would the attorneys office been so quick to prosecute if she was helping and elderly person with dementia or a child that injured themselves and could not help themselves. This is what animals go through everyday. This and in the wake of a natural disaster no less. This district attorney should seriously rethink these charges or consider the consequences of his already severely damaged reputation. I worked in the vet med field for 5 years and worked with animal control officers before, I can say that our local officers are much more understanding amd try to do what is best for the animals not for their " hidden agenda". This local government be ashamed and know that this governments reputation has been damaged not only locally but nationally as well. Keep in mind that I am writing this from Virginia.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Jamie Charles

Dear Counselor Delbridge; The decision to prosecute someone who was providing animal rescue in a time of crisis, with lives in the balance, is not befitting a public official who would have concern for the safety and welfare of lives in his county. Over two-thirds the population of our country have pets, and I would think that they would want their lost pets cared for in the best possible way in time of crisis. It seems an ill-considered mostly bureaucratic outlook to seek out to prosecute actions of care given these sick and displaced animals, who were offered shelter and care in the absence of availability of veterinarians during this crisis. It epitomizes bone-headed Washington style "Gotcha" thinking to prioritize prosecution of animal rescuers and raises questions about what agenda would so color the legal perspective that it would view such actions of compassion and assistance to suffering pets as the greatest challenges to be wiped out during a crisis. I hope you possess the vision to see above the current senseless prosecution, and act in the best interests of Wayne County residents.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Jaime Klinger

Outraged over arresting Good Samaritan!
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Charles Eakins

The district attorney and anyone thinking it was a good idea to charge a woman for helping animals should be drug tested. I hope the jury there understands jury nullification.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Pete Hale

If someone else can later go back in and rescue those animals, the original owners could have rescued them before they left. You've arrested the wrong culprit, for risking life and limb and trying to help. Would your mother be proud of you for this action? Let her go and arrest the original owners.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Jeff Z

Yep I am here to express my disgust with anyone and everyone who didn’t use common sense and ARRESTED a woman for helping save distressed and injured pets in a crisis situation. You need your head examined because you are a ridiculous human being and you absolutely should not be in charge of anything having to do with the law. Shame! Shame! Shame!
Review Left On 02/27/2020
Timothy V

See what he did to the poor woman trying to rescue animals from flood? Sad.
Review Left On 02/27/2020
James Pittman

Our great da has not returned my call and did not represent me against a felony with a violent background so I will not vote for him I am a us army vet of 18 years no criminal history but I am not good enough to be respected by the da
Review Left On 06/27/2019
jomokenyatta Jones

I had the most hateful experience with DA Matt Delbridge today. He charades around the courtroom as if he simply hated life. I had an old case that I got put back on docket he displayed anger, hate, and all out assault on my past. I think people forget that they have a Judge His name is Jesus. I refuse to let this type of person lead in my county and will be actively on the frontlines to vote them out!!!!
Hate has no place in the courtroom.

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