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District Attorney General
District Attorney General Reviews

Review: The DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S that work here are very unprofessional. They are suppose to be protecting the rights of the AMERICAN people but these attorney's try to protect the guilty ones from justice and try to put the innocent ones in jail. I guess where they also got themselves into this mess of trying to protect a few judges from their wrong doing, doctors, etc. Now I guess they figured that they had no choice but to try to put an innocent man in jail for anything. These district attorneys will ... Read More

Sevier County Attorney General
Sevier County Attorney General Reviews

Review: Mr rn justice was not serverd on a young man the cop covered up a lot of stuff 30 lies they told 21 bugs beer for a 16 yr and. Been dating her since she 15 the person is deceased because if not wanted money and girl wanted sex and he told them no justice wasn't severed God have mercy on everyone who covered up this death in June of 2017 Read More

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