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Law Offices of Joseph E. Tomasik
Law Offices of Joseph E. Tomasik Reviews

Review: I would just like to be. Honest. This. Man. Before my mom passed. She. Had a settlement with Mr tomasick and I. Wanna. Say. That. He. Is not. A. Good art. He. Told my. Mom before she passed that in weighting. She. Was to receive. 40. Thousand. Well. She. Was. To. Get. 61. Percent. Well. He. Was. So. Nice. And kind till she. Died my mom. Was at funeral. Home. For. A month and. A. Half. This. Man. Did not go. To. Court yet. Gave. Me. Like. A. Total of. 300. Three throw. Out. Of. Fourth. Tell.... Read More

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