Texas Wesleyan Law School--clone! Don't buy the name. Texas Wesleyan University law grads built the school. The law school website has a school history section--but--it is superficial--representing 27 years--not as a and m law school. Now, Texas A and M wants it both ways--distance from those who created the school. No recognition to the twenty years of TWU law students who now hold a diploma of questionable value. Yet--they petition TWU law grad donations on behalf of A and M (oh--yea--audacity) and continue to highlight the careers of many TWU student grads as their own pride and joy (is this not crazy). This university has fallen into what is now a growing fascism in public college education.
When A and M acquired East Texas State University diplomas were reissued as Texas A and M Commerce. I have a relative who's ETSU doctorate was re-titled: Texas A and M Commerce the degree was earned in 1981. From admissions site: "ALL DIPLOMAS WILL READ TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - COMMERCE WE NO LONGER PRINT EAST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY ON YOUR DIPLOMA." (not the case with TWU law grads--orphan status).
TWU students paid big bucks and studied (same books presently used and many of same profs) and would like their identity back. A and M carries a big whoopin stick to beat back TWU law school rife raft (sic). Thanks!
But--spend a $100k on tuition/lost income etc. and A and M tells TWU law grads to stick it. We made the school what it is (TWU grads) A and M you are meanspirited. Seems they use a different branding scheme when a state school is absorbed into their state network.
The irony of it all --the teachers of law- show their hard compassionless spirit. How would they feel if one earned a degree only to have it obliterated in favor of A and M's financial ambitions.
Unethical and immoral university. Sad.
Review Left On 02/27/2016
Esperanza Martinez
Best law school in Texas
Leave A Review For For Texas A&M University School of Law
When A and M acquired East Texas State University diplomas were reissued as Texas A and M Commerce. I have a relative who's ETSU doctorate was re-titled: Texas A and M Commerce the degree was earned in 1981. From admissions site: "ALL DIPLOMAS WILL READ TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - COMMERCE WE NO LONGER PRINT EAST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY ON YOUR DIPLOMA." (not the case with TWU law grads--orphan status).
TWU students paid big bucks and studied (same books presently used and many of same profs) and would like their identity back. A and M carries a big whoopin stick to beat back TWU law school rife raft (sic). Thanks!
But--spend a $100k on tuition/lost income etc. and A and M tells TWU law grads to stick it. We made the school what it is (TWU grads) A and M you are meanspirited. Seems they use a different branding scheme when a state school is absorbed into their state network.
The irony of it all --the teachers of law- show their hard compassionless spirit. How would they feel if one earned a degree only to have it obliterated in favor of A and M's financial ambitions.
Unethical and immoral university. Sad.